Melhoria da eficiência energética em sistemas motrizes industriais
Improvement of energy efficiency in industrial motor systems
Sola, Antonio Vanderley Herrero; Mota, Caroline Maria de M.
Production, vol.25, n3, p.482-497, 2015
A comunidade cientÃfica internacional tem considerado o uso eficiente de energia em sistemas de produção extremamente importante para o desenvolvimento sustentável. Este artigo estuda a melhoria da eficiência energética em sistemas motrizes industriais por meio de mudança tecnológica. Inicialmente é feita uma revisão de literatura para apresentar as principais ações e barreiras para a melhoria da eficiência energética em sistemas industriais de energia e também destacar o uso de uma abordagem multicritério em caso de mudança tecnológica. O artigo apresenta um estudo de caso em uma indústria com o objetivo de ordenar motores elétricos para serem substituÃdos utilizando o método multicritério PROMETHEE II. O estudo revela que a escolha dos critérios pode alterar a ordem de prioridade de escolha das tecnologias a serem substituÃdas, com impacto no desempenho das novas tecnologias. O artigo enfatiza a importância da integração de todas as áreas da empresa para que sejam atendidos os interesses da organização.
Eficiência energética. Sustentabilidade. Sistemas motrizes industriais.
The international scientific community has considered the efficient use of energy in production systems to be extremely important for sustainable development. This paper studies the improvement of energy efficiency in industrial motor systems through technological change. Initially, a literature review was conducted to present the main actions necessary for and barriers to overcome to improve energy efficiency in industrial energy systems and to highlight the application of a multi-criteria approach in the case of technological change. The paper presents a case study recommending the prioritization of replacing electric motors using the multi-criteria method called PROMETHEE II. The study reveals that the choice of criteria can significantly change the priority of the technologies to be replaced, thus significantly impacting the performance of new technologies. The paper emphasizes the importance of participation from all areas of the company to attend to the organization’s interests.
Energy efficiency. Sustainability. Industrial motor systems.
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Bortoni, E. C. (2009). Are my motors oversized? Energy Conversion and Management, 50, 2282-2287.
Brans J. P., Mareschal B. (2005). Promethee methods. In J. Figueira, S. Greco & M. Ehrgott (Eds.), Multiple criteria decision analysis: state of the art surveys (cap. 5, pp. 163-196). Berlin: Springer Science and Business Media.
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Jackson, J. (2010). Promoting energy efficiency investments with risk management decision tools. Energy Policy, 38, 3865-3873.
Lafontaine, A., Beucher, O., Costa, E., & Osmanagic, M. (2010). Delivering on Energy: An overview of activities by UN-Energy and its members. New York: United Nations.
Lefley, F. (1996). The payback method of investment appraisal: A review and synthesis. International Journal of Production Economics, 44, 207-224.
Lung, R. B., McKane, A., & Olszewski, M. (2005). Industrial Motor System Optimization Projects in the US: An Impact Study. Energy Engineering, 102(1), 61-79.
Marques, M. C. S., Haddad, J., & Martins, A. R. S. (Coord.). (2006). Conservação de energia: eficiência energética de equipamentos e instalações (3. ed.). Itajubá: Eletrobrás, Procel Educação, Unifei, Fupai.
McCoy, G. A., & Douglass, J. (2000). Energy Management for Motor Driven System. Washington: U.S. Department of Energy (DOE).
McKane, A., Price, L., & De La Rue Du Can, S. (2007). Policies for Promoting Industrial Energy Efficiency in Developing Countries and Transition Economies. Berkeley: UNIDO. Retrieved from
Oikonomou, V., Becchis, F., Steg, L., & Russolillo, D. (2009). Energy saving and energy efficiency concepts for policy making. Energy Policy, 37, 4787-4796.
Önüt, S., Tuzkaya, U. R., & Saadet, N. (2008). Multiple criteria evaluation of current energy resources for Turkish manufacturing industry. Energy Conversion and Management, 49, 1480-1492.
Pohekar, S. D., & Ramachandran, M. (2004). Application of multi-criteria decision making to sustainable energy planning—Review. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 8, 365-381.
Rohdin, P., & Thollander, P. (2006). Barriers to and driving forces for energy efficiency in the non-energy intensive manufacturing industry in Sweden. Energy, 31, 1836-1844.
Russel, C. (2005). Strategic Industrial Energy Efficiency: Reduce Expenses, Build Revenues, and Control Risk. Energy Engineering, 102(3), 7-27.
Saidur, R. (2010). A review on electrical motors energy use and energy savings. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 14, 877-898.
Sandberg, P., & Söderström, M. (2003). Industrial energy efficiency: the need for investment decision support from a manager perspective. Energy Policy, 31, 1623-1634.
Sardianou, E. (2008). Barriers to industrial energy efficiency investments in Greece. Journal of Cleaner Production, 16, 1416-1423.
Sola, A. V. H., & Mota, C. M. M. (2012). A multi-attribute decision model for portfolio selection aiming to replace technologies in industrial motor systems. Energy Conversion and Management, 57, 97-106.
Sola, A. V. H., & Xavier, A. A. P. (2007). Organizational human factors as barriers to energy efficiency in electrical motors systems in industry. Energy Policy, 35, 5784-5794.
Sola, A. V. H., Mota, C. M. M., & Kovaleski, J. L. (2011). A model for improving energy efficiency in industrial motor system using multicriteria analysis. Energy Policy, 39(6), 3645-3654.
Thollander, P., & Ottosson, M. (2010). Energy management practices in Swedish energy-intensive industries. Journal of Cleaner Production, 18, 1125-1133.
U.S. Department of Energy’s Industrial Technologies Program - DOE/ITP. (2004). Energy use, loss and opportunities analysis: U.S. Manufacturing & Mining. Washington. United Nations – UN. (2010). Delivering on Energy. New York: United Nations.
Wang, G. H., Wang, Y. X., & Zhao, T. (2008). Analysis of interactions among the barriers to energy saving in China. Energy Policy, 36, 1879-1889.
Weber, L. (1997). Viewpoint: Some reflections on barriers to the efficient use of energy. Energy Policy, 25, 833-835. WEG Equipamentos Elétricos S.A. (2010). Motores elétricos trifásicos: catálogo técnico. Jaraguá do Sul. Retrieved from
World Energy Council - WEC. (2010). Energy efficiency: a recipe for success. London.
Worrell, E., Berkel, R. V., Fengqi, Z., Menke, C., Schaeffer, R., & Williams, R. O. (2001). Technology transfer of energy eficient technologies in industry: a review of trends and policy issues. Energy Policy, 29, 29-43.
Yang, M. (2010). Energy efficiency improving opportunities in a large Chinese shoe-making enterprise. Energy Policy, 38, 452-462.
Yilmaz, B., & Dagdeviren, M. (2011). A combined approach for equipment selection: F-PROMETHEE method and zero-one goal programming. Expert Systems with Applications, 38, 11641-11650.
Agência Nacional de Energia Elétrica - ANEEL. (2010). Estabelece as Condições Gerais de Fornecimento de Energia Elétrica de forma atualizada e consolidada (Resolução no 414, de 9 de setembro de 2010). BrasÃlia: ANEEL.
Almeida Filho, A. T., & Costa, A. P. (2010). Um modelo de otimização para priorização em planejamento de Sistemas de Informação. Revista Produção, 20, 265-273.
Almeida, A. T. (2013). Processo de Decisão nas Organizações: Construindo Modelos de Decisão Multicritério. São Paulo: Editora Atlas.
Anderson, S. T., & Newell, R. (2004). Information programs for technology adoption: the case of energy-efficiency audits. Resource and Energy Economics, 26, 27-50.
Arslan, M. Ç., Çatay, B., & Budak, E. (2004). A decision support system for machine tool selection. Journal of Technology Manufacturing Management, 15(1), 101-109.
Associação Brasileira de Normas Técnicas - ABNT. (2011). NBR ISO 50001:2011 - Sistemas de Gestão de Energia - Requisitos com orientações para uso. Rio de Janeiro: ABNT.
Behzadian, M., Kazemzadeh, R. B., Albadvi, A., & Aghdasi, M. (2010). PROMETHEE: A comprehensive literature review on methodologies and applications. European Journal of Operational Research, 200, 198-215.
Bortoni, E. C. (2009). Are my motors oversized? Energy Conversion and Management, 50, 2282-2287.
Brans J. P., Mareschal B. (2005). Promethee methods. In J. Figueira, S. Greco & M. Ehrgott (Eds.), Multiple criteria decision analysis: state of the art surveys (cap. 5, pp. 163-196). Berlin: Springer Science and Business Media.
Brasil. (2001). Dispõe sobre a PolÃtica Nacional de Conservação e Uso Racional de Energia e dá outras providências (Lei no 10.295, de 17 de outubro de 2001). Diário Oficial da República Federativa do Brasil.
Brasil. (2002). Dispõe sobre a regulamentação especÃfica que define os nÃveis mÃnimos de eficiência energética de motores elétricos trifásicos de indução rotor gaiola de esquilo, de fabricação nacional ou importados, para comercialização ou uso no Brasil, e dá outras providências (Decreto no 4.508, de 11 de dezembro de 2002). Diário Oficial da República Federativa do Brasil.
Brasil, Ministério das Minas e Energia - MME, Fundação para o Desenvolvimento Tecnológico de Engenharia - FDTE. (2005). Balanço de Energia Útil. BrasÃlia: MME/FDTE.
Brasil, Ministério das Minas e Energia - MME. (2007). Plano Nacional de Energia 2030. Eficiência Energética (Vol. 11). BrasÃlia: MME/EPE.
Christoffersen, L. B., Larsen, A., & Togeby, M. (2006). Empirical analysis of energy management in Danish industry. Journal of Cleaner Production, 14, 516-526.
Confederação Nacional da Indústria - CNI. (2009). Eficiência energética na indústria: o que foi feito no Brasil, oportunidades de redução de custos e experiência internacional. BrasÃlia: CNI/COMPI.
Croucher, M. (2011). Potential problems and limitations of energy conservation and energy efficiency. Energy Policy, 39, 5795-5799.
Decanio, S. J. (1998). The efficiency paradox: bureaucratic and organizational barriers to profitable energy-saving investments. Energy Policy, 26(5), 441-454.
Dejours, C. (2004). Subjectivity, work and action. Revista Produção, 14(3), 27-34.
Garcia, A. G. P. (2003). Impacto da lei de eficiência energética para motores elétricos no potencial de conservação de energia na indústria (Dissertação de mestrado). Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro.
Gavetti, G., & Rivkin, J. W. (2007). On the Origin of Strategy: Action and Cognition over Time. Organization Science , 18(3), 420-439.
Geller, H., Schaeffer, R., Szklo, A., & Tolmasquim, M. (2004). Policies for advancing energy efficiency and renewable energy use in Brazil. Energy Policy, 32, 1437-1450.
Groot, H. L. F., Verhoef, E. T., & Nijkamp, P. (2001). Energy saving by firms: decision-making, barriers and policies. Energy Economics, 23, 717-740.
Jackson, J. (2010). Promoting energy efficiency investments with risk management decision tools. Energy Policy, 38, 3865-3873.
Lafontaine, A., Beucher, O., Costa, E., & Osmanagic, M. (2010). Delivering on Energy: An overview of activities by UN-Energy and its members. New York: United Nations.
Lefley, F. (1996). The payback method of investment appraisal: A review and synthesis. International Journal of Production Economics, 44, 207-224.
Lung, R. B., McKane, A., & Olszewski, M. (2005). Industrial Motor System Optimization Projects in the US: An Impact Study. Energy Engineering, 102(1), 61-79.
Marques, M. C. S., Haddad, J., & Martins, A. R. S. (Coord.). (2006). Conservação de energia: eficiência energética de equipamentos e instalações (3. ed.). Itajubá: Eletrobrás, Procel Educação, Unifei, Fupai.
McCoy, G. A., & Douglass, J. (2000). Energy Management for Motor Driven System. Washington: U.S. Department of Energy (DOE).
McKane, A., Price, L., & De La Rue Du Can, S. (2007). Policies for Promoting Industrial Energy Efficiency in Developing Countries and Transition Economies. Berkeley: UNIDO. Retrieved from
Oikonomou, V., Becchis, F., Steg, L., & Russolillo, D. (2009). Energy saving and energy efficiency concepts for policy making. Energy Policy, 37, 4787-4796.
Önüt, S., Tuzkaya, U. R., & Saadet, N. (2008). Multiple criteria evaluation of current energy resources for Turkish manufacturing industry. Energy Conversion and Management, 49, 1480-1492.
Pohekar, S. D., & Ramachandran, M. (2004). Application of multi-criteria decision making to sustainable energy planning—Review. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 8, 365-381.
Rohdin, P., & Thollander, P. (2006). Barriers to and driving forces for energy efficiency in the non-energy intensive manufacturing industry in Sweden. Energy, 31, 1836-1844.
Russel, C. (2005). Strategic Industrial Energy Efficiency: Reduce Expenses, Build Revenues, and Control Risk. Energy Engineering, 102(3), 7-27.
Saidur, R. (2010). A review on electrical motors energy use and energy savings. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 14, 877-898.
Sandberg, P., & Söderström, M. (2003). Industrial energy efficiency: the need for investment decision support from a manager perspective. Energy Policy, 31, 1623-1634.
Sardianou, E. (2008). Barriers to industrial energy efficiency investments in Greece. Journal of Cleaner Production, 16, 1416-1423.
Sola, A. V. H., & Mota, C. M. M. (2012). A multi-attribute decision model for portfolio selection aiming to replace technologies in industrial motor systems. Energy Conversion and Management, 57, 97-106.
Sola, A. V. H., & Xavier, A. A. P. (2007). Organizational human factors as barriers to energy efficiency in electrical motors systems in industry. Energy Policy, 35, 5784-5794.
Sola, A. V. H., Mota, C. M. M., & Kovaleski, J. L. (2011). A model for improving energy efficiency in industrial motor system using multicriteria analysis. Energy Policy, 39(6), 3645-3654.
Thollander, P., & Ottosson, M. (2010). Energy management practices in Swedish energy-intensive industries. Journal of Cleaner Production, 18, 1125-1133.
U.S. Department of Energy’s Industrial Technologies Program - DOE/ITP. (2004). Energy use, loss and opportunities analysis: U.S. Manufacturing & Mining. Washington. United Nations – UN. (2010). Delivering on Energy. New York: United Nations.
Wang, G. H., Wang, Y. X., & Zhao, T. (2008). Analysis of interactions among the barriers to energy saving in China. Energy Policy, 36, 1879-1889.
Weber, L. (1997). Viewpoint: Some reflections on barriers to the efficient use of energy. Energy Policy, 25, 833-835. WEG Equipamentos Elétricos S.A. (2010). Motores elétricos trifásicos: catálogo técnico. Jaraguá do Sul. Retrieved from
World Energy Council - WEC. (2010). Energy efficiency: a recipe for success. London.
Worrell, E., Berkel, R. V., Fengqi, Z., Menke, C., Schaeffer, R., & Williams, R. O. (2001). Technology transfer of energy eficient technologies in industry: a review of trends and policy issues. Energy Policy, 29, 29-43.
Yang, M. (2010). Energy efficiency improving opportunities in a large Chinese shoe-making enterprise. Energy Policy, 38, 452-462.
Yilmaz, B., & Dagdeviren, M. (2011). A combined approach for equipment selection: F-PROMETHEE method and zero-one goal programming. Expert Systems with Applications, 38, 11641-11650.